
Website now up & more news

My website is now up and running at a level i'm happy with for the time being.
Visit it here: www.tomcolmans.com or click the website link in the sidebar.

I've received my results from university, and i've passed the year with a 2.2 average. Graduation is soon, then into the real world as they say!

My end of year show is currently almost finished, the private view being on the 24th of june, and the show is open until the 2nd of July. If you're in the area, or wish to see some of the work my university is producing, feel free to come along. It's held at the Norwich University College of the Arts, and is open to the public from the 25th of June.

So that's about it for this update. I'm working on some downloads for my website, including some interesting comic/narrative/downloadable portfolio ideas, so once they're up I will divulge some more infromation.

Until then, check out some of my work on Flickr, and some new work on my website (links in the sidebar respectively.