
Quick clean

Just an FYI really, I've just updated my theme and colours on the blog as I noticed they were slightly out of date. Swapped the neon blue for a nice shade of orange, and set all of the fonts to standard Arial to aid in cross platform reading.

I've also fixed a few issues with some of my Society6 prints, and I'm looking at what to keep, and what to remove. I've already taken one artwork down, and I've added some new products for others.


Society6 final call

So, I was looking through my old work up on Society6, and decided it's time for a clear out! So, in the next few weeks I'll be removing some of my old work, and I'm preparing to put some new stuff up there. This will be the last chance to pick up anything that's currently on there, if you were thinking of getting anything. Link is in the sidebar!

I'll have some more updates soon, I've been working on something quite exciting, and a bit of a departure from my usual projects