

Oh hello there.....

A new year, a fresh start

So, it's now 2014. Insert generic "where is my jetpack/hoverboard/food pills" comment here. It's been an interesting year of development and creating art and design, so why not continue the trend?

Plans are for the organised ones

This year I have a number of goals in relation to art and illustration in general. In no particular order, I'm planning to:
  • start drawing more, utilising my collection of various sized moleskine notebooks
  • create more lino prints, thanks to receiving more professional quality tools
  • sort out my ugly beast of a website
  • set up a new online store to sell some of my handmade prints
I'm not setting myself any arbitrary time limits, as I always seem to break them. Anyway, hopefully some of the above will be ongoing work, so I'll be sure to try and focus on it!

Music and lyrical goodness

 Well, I'm in a band now, so I'll be sharing some more information on that as and when it is ready. For now, all I can say is that it's sounding pretty good so far.

Anyway, that's probably enough for now. Regular updates will resume shortly.

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