
Quick clean

Just an FYI really, I've just updated my theme and colours on the blog as I noticed they were slightly out of date. Swapped the neon blue for a nice shade of orange, and set all of the fonts to standard Arial to aid in cross platform reading.

I've also fixed a few issues with some of my Society6 prints, and I'm looking at what to keep, and what to remove. I've already taken one artwork down, and I've added some new products for others.


Society6 final call

So, I was looking through my old work up on Society6, and decided it's time for a clear out! So, in the next few weeks I'll be removing some of my old work, and I'm preparing to put some new stuff up there. This will be the last chance to pick up anything that's currently on there, if you were thinking of getting anything. Link is in the sidebar!

I'll have some more updates soon, I've been working on something quite exciting, and a bit of a departure from my usual projects


Animal heads

Animal Heads | Tom Colmans Illustration

Returning back to an old project I started working on a while back.


Short update: Music, art & more

Hi all, sorry for the silence recently but I've been very unproductive and have had a lot of things on. Nonetheless, here's a quick roundup of some news.


Reckless Caution header

I've been working with a few others on a band recently, and it's now coming to fruition! We're called Reckless Caution, and we've recently set up a Facebook page. It would be great if you'd check us out and let me know what you think (also like our page, if you want!). We're also planning to start gigging soon, so more information on that will follow.

We've put up a couple of videos from our practice sessions on there, as well as some pictures of us galavanting about. You can find us on Facebook at the following link: Reckless Caution on Facebook


I've been pretty slack with drawing recently. I'm working on a new style which I'm going to concentrate on under a different imprint. I'm pretty excited to see where it will go, and I'm looking to do more regular work to get back into the rhythm of things so expect some more things soon.


I'm getting back into coding on my new website, which is very slowly taking shape. I'm going to be leaving my main website as it is for the time being (although I may have a look at some of the gallery pages to give them a bit of a refresh). I'm still trying to decide what the best option for selling some of my stockpiled work is, I'm moving towards Etsy due to ease of use and the size of the site rather than setting up my own thing.

Anyway, that's probably enough blathering on for now. As always, stay in touch!


Volkswagen advertising

Just doing some research for work and started looking at old VW advertising. I love this one!


Music update

I've just updated a page on my website to link to some of my solo music work for listening and to purchase if you wish! Find it here:http://tomcolmans.com/music/

There will be more coming soon with the new band I'm working with, but for now have a listen to some of my solo work, and they are also available for purchase in digital and some physical versions!



Oh hello there.....

A new year, a fresh start

So, it's now 2014. Insert generic "where is my jetpack/hoverboard/food pills" comment here. It's been an interesting year of development and creating art and design, so why not continue the trend?

Plans are for the organised ones

This year I have a number of goals in relation to art and illustration in general. In no particular order, I'm planning to:
  • start drawing more, utilising my collection of various sized moleskine notebooks
  • create more lino prints, thanks to receiving more professional quality tools
  • sort out my ugly beast of a website
  • set up a new online store to sell some of my handmade prints
I'm not setting myself any arbitrary time limits, as I always seem to break them. Anyway, hopefully some of the above will be ongoing work, so I'll be sure to try and focus on it!

Music and lyrical goodness

 Well, I'm in a band now, so I'll be sharing some more information on that as and when it is ready. For now, all I can say is that it's sounding pretty good so far.

Anyway, that's probably enough for now. Regular updates will resume shortly.


Quick post

Alright people? 2014 is here, so just a quick little update to say I've tidied up this blog a bit, and changed a couple of the fonts and colours to give it a slight freshen up. Standard "2014" update post coming soon (when I find some time!)